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How to Make Your Competitors Irrelevant

Here's one simple thing you can do to completely stand out from your competitors... (I learned this when I had one of those "light bulb" moments in the back row…

More Than Just A Big Idea…

There’s a launch coming up that I’m super excited about… and it’s not even mine!  :-)  The “big idea” behind this launch goes way beyond just a marketing hook -…

The Security of Being An Entrepreneur

So right after Thanksgiving I took off on a little planning retreat - I love doing that. I just sit down and "create" my next year and beyond... in any…

Taking Six Months to Dance Around The World

Sometimes you just have to go your own way... Sebastien (the French Marketer) is in my Platinum mastermind group... and last year he came to our Plat meeting and told…

17 Years of Internet Success (and Letting My Clients Speak)

Today is another anniversary for me... 17 years ago today, on August 30th, 1996, I started my first Internet business. I'll tell you what, that was the Internet dark ages…

The Rest of the Story Behind Those Launches

You know those tales of Product Launches that do thousands in a week, or six figures in seven days... or my story of a million dollars in a single hour?…