Grateful For More Than One Day
If gratitude were a drug, it would be the most popular drug in the world. Here's what it can do for you (and an easy way to put it into…
You Are Awesome.
Ok, I have something really cool for you this week. I talk a lot in my videos about the impact that we as entrepreneurs can have in the world - but…
Checking Boxes vs. Moving Forward
Are you more worried about having your clients consume all your content, or having them actually get the results? Lots of people have this backwards... Please leave a comment below and…
When Is It Time To Quit?
Sometimes the best advice just isn’t that great to hear. It’s really fun to plan for the times when everything is working perfectly… but sometimes things just don’t go how you want…
The One Big Mistake Absolutely Everyone Makes (and how to avoid it)
Sometimes it’s the most simple things that trip us up. I’ve done it, I’d guess you’ve done it, in fact... I don’t think I know a single entrepreneur who hasn’t…