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This 1-star Review Turned Me Into a Fan

As an entrepreneur, your life gets a LOT easier when you get the RIGHT clients. And a big part of getting the right clients is making sure you don’t get…

Facing a blank page (getting unstuck)

For the last few weeks, I’ve been getting nowhere with a new project I’ve been working on. Here’s what I did to get “unstuck” and start moving forward... The big…

How To Shoot Awesome Videos

A lot of people have been asking me about my process for shooting videos. So here are a few tips for creating awesome videos your audience will love… The big…

Happy New Year… Now What’s the Plan?

Here’s the framework I’m using to create my business plan for the year... Big Takeaways: The 3 critical areas to look at in your business that will give you a…

Rallying Your Tribe

If you ever wanted to leverage your following to raise money for a cause… here’s a few tips on how I was able to increase my fundraising by 10x...

Why Great Marketing Matters

We just wrapped up our big once-a-year launch - and here’s what I learned (yet again) from a huge amount of market feedback - both from raving fans and from…