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A Great Reason to Go Back to the Beginning

One of my blog readers was curious - why would some of my most successful students come back and follow along with my launch? There’s a pretty good reason, and…

When It’s Good to Be a Geek

Do you have a hobby or interest that you totally geek out about? Here’s why being a bit nerdy about your passions could be the path to a great business.…

21 Years in Business Online and Why I Keep Showing Up

I’m celebrating 21 years in business online… and these are the two things that push me to keep trying to get better...

I’m on a boat (and a “sink or swim” business lesson)

Growing a business is a lot like learning to pilot a boat. What you choose to focus on can either cause or prevent a crash. Here’s how to keep your…

Finally Crossing The Finish Line (Launching My Podcast)

I’ve been working hard on launching my podcast, and it hasn’t been easy. In fact, for awhile there it really seemed like the world was conspiring to stop me from…

My Weird Habit…

When I first started, I had this crazy habit that I was embarrassed to talk about. Back then, I just didn’t know anyone else who was into this kind of…