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Morning Brew just sold for $75M (so is email dead?)

The age-old question: is email dead? That’s how much Morning Brew—a strictly email-only based business—recently sold for. $75M says “no way”. So no, email is not dead. Far from it.…

JV Launches vs. Internal Launches

So I just wrapped up a launch... And as always, there were lots of lessons learned. So, for this week’s video, I thought I would dive into the differences between…

Three things money can’t buy (philosophy from the ski lift)

Having a great life is just as important—and even more important—than building a great business. The good news is, you can have both. Which is how I ended up shooting…

Moving Forward by Moving Back

Engaging with my community was easy when I was just starting out. I had time for conversations with my subscribers and to reply to every message that came in. But…

Listening In on Your Avatar…

Putting together a great offer means knowing as much as you can about your avatar. Their hopes, their dreams, their desires, the things that keep them up at night...  How…

From Fringe Theory to Global Mandate

In a year full of crazy surprises, what’s stood out for you? One thing I’ve noticed again and again is how much online education has changed.  At the beginning of…