17 Years of Internet Success (and Letting My Clients Speak)
Today is another anniversary for me... 17 years ago today, on August 30th, 1996, I started my first Internet business. I'll tell you what, that was the Internet dark ages…

The Rest of the Story Behind Those Launches
You know those tales of Product Launches that do thousands in a week, or six figures in seven days... or my story of a million dollars in a single hour?…

Product Launch Success (Weird Parallel Universe)
A quick follow up to my last video - which was an update to the "Food Stamps to Six Figures" Case Study... in this one I dig deeper into how…

How To Be Relaxed (and Make An Impact) On Your Videos
I'm always getting questions about our videos - what camera we use, what's our setup, what software, etc., etc. - so here's the answer to one of the more important…

Business Success vs. Success at Home
This video for you about the most important thing in my life... family. It's also about one of the biggest challenges I see for entrepreneurs... balancing your business with your…